We are pleased to inform you that Zakat and Charitable Foundation, along with Muslim Welfare Society Lucknow organized a talk on the economical, operational and livelihood issues and challenges faced by Imams, Muazzin, and Mudarraseen, at Jama Masjid, Munshi Pulia, on 11th February 2023.
Rifah Chamber of Commerce, highlighted a few gaps and tried to raise awareness among the audience about the need and benefits of entrepreneurship, creation of wealth.

It was a successful event attended by nearly 150 Imams, Muazzins, and Mudarraseen. The event was followed by Question and Answer session and ended with an early lunch so that the participants could get back to their masajids in time for Zohar. Few pictures are attached for reference.
The organizers have planned another 2 such programs covering mainly the mosques from Trans-Gomti area with an approximate attendance of 400 to 500.
We need your wishes and support for the way forward.